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The Event Horizon Part One

The Event Horizon

The things that I say in this book are shocking — I know that — especially if you’re coming in cold, and by cold I mean none of the threads I have pulled on were known to you prior to encountering them in this book. Part of me wants to apologize, to say sorry for making you aware of these things, but, to be honest, fuck you for being asleep at the spiritual wheel of your life. We’re in this together as a society, and if your low consciousness, your lack of awareness can be used to create a more Satanic and Draconian society because you’re too stupid, too lazy, or too distracted by your own self-interest and pleasures to give a fuck, then you’re a big part of the problem.

If absolutely none of the things described in this book were known to you then the fault lies with you. It means that your inner being is so diminished that you’ve forgotten how to feel correctly. I’m not trying to make you feel bad, but you should feel bad. You see, that bad feeling ia evidence that you exist as a spiritual being, but that’s the triumph of the twentieth century, is it not? That’s why the opening chapter of this middle part of the book is called Our Last Free Breath. You see, all of this has been done intentionally. This is an incredibly difficult thing for people to comprehend in a secular age because our definition of evil rarely goes beyond the avarice and malice of a single human being in a single human life. Through our now secular philosophy and humanism we can easily understand the corrupt nature of a Mao or a Stalin or a number of minor and major despots who have populated recent history. Human beings are corruptible. Power is the ultimate intoxicant. This is the theology of humanism and we all understand it and we all speak about it, but what has been lost is the spiritual evil, even though it isn’t really evil. What has been lost is the invisible agenda, the invisible plan, the inter-generational plan. How could any group of people maintain such discipline over centuries and generations? If you really have to ask that question after reading the book thus far then there’s not much I can do to help you. What do you think the trauma-based conditioning is about? What do you think the inter-generational Satanism is about? What do you think the child murdering is about? What do you think the sex rituals are about? Are you really going to pretend these things aren’t going on? Is it still easier for you to believe that I’m crazy? Or are you finally ready to accept the predicament that we are in as a human race? It is the eleventh hour, and people have no idea of the danger all about us. How does that happen? How does the basic internal mechanism of fight or flight get so polluted it doesn’t work anymore. Do you understand? It’s inbred into us as biological beings. It has taken tremendous effort to undo it, and it’s all been done in such a way that we didn’t even know it was being done.

You may say to yourself how could such a widespread conspiracy exist without you having heard of it? The answer is simple. The conspiracy is an operative system. The vast majority of participants in the conspiracy are unconscious. This is why the spiritual consciousness had to be collapsed. The plan would only work with unconsious people, and that unconsciousness was created with us on mass the same way it is accomplished on an individual, mind control through trauma. Would you believe me if I told you that many of the serial killers let loose upon American society were trained and deployed by America’s own intelligence aganecies? This is the widespread understanding of Charles Manson, thanks to numerous podcasters who have done hundreds if not thousands of hours of research, and, of course, the spellbinding Chaos: Charles Manson, the CIA, and the Secret History of the Sixties, by Tom O’Neill, a Vanity Fair freelancer who spent two decades on the book. The work is supported by writers like Dave McGowan in Weird Scenes Inside the Canyon: Laurel Canyon, Covert Ops & the Dark Heart of the Hippie Dream which chronicles the relationship between military intelligence, the CIA, and the music scene in Laurel Canyon, but not even O’Neill or McGowan go into the Satanic underbelly. That’s where it all comes together. None of it really makes sense until the rituals are understood.

Satanism is why we had to go to rational humanism and shut down the awakened imagination of the divine self and the awakened human. This is why the spiritual state of the West is so dilapidated, and deliberately dilapidated. That’s why they introduced the sex, the drugs, and the hypnotic music to stimulate the baser instincts, because without that distraction they wouldn’t have been able to keep their generational plan hidden. The conscious participants in this conspiracy are few and far between. Most people just accept some dog eat dog nonsense to rationalize their selfishness. An honest living would be too hard. Of course there is no Satan involved in the human expression of Satanism. It’s more of an intradimensional invasion, a hostile takeover of planet earth that seeks to possess the living bodies of human beings by ususrping, suppressing, or evicting the human spirit that came into incarnation. It sounds like science fiction but it’s what is going on. The leaders you see on the world stage look like us — two arms, two legs, two eyes, two ears, five fingers, and five toes — but they’re not us. I know this is hard. I know this is frightening, but if you don’t hear what I’m saying we’re going to lose this planet, this human life, this beautiful experience called life and being human, which, despite the lives of other races out there like the Andromedans, the Arcturians, the Sirians, and others, is one of the best experiences in the universe, an unparalleelled opportunity to learn and grow. Nobody has our heart, our ability to feel, to create, to be spontaneous, to be in the moment the way we can. It’s enviable. What we have failed to udnerstand in the larger, multidimensional reality in which we live is the economy.

Have you ever considered what an economy really is? The Oxford dictionary defines it as follows:

the relationship between production, trade and the supply of money in a particular country or region

Let’s take a look at the language and its origin.

The word economy in English is derived from the Middle French’s yconomie, which itself derived from the Medieval Latin’s oeconomia. The Latin word has its origin at the Ancient Greek’s oikonomia or oikonomos. The word’s first part oikos means house, and the second part nemein means to manage.

The economy is for the living, which, ironically, includes a portion of the dead, those who wander the earth too heavy to lift up, and other things outside the perception of our senses but as real as rain. The living includes every born and incorporated person and organic entity, like insects and plants and too many more things to list here, but you get the idea. The economy of the twentieth and twenty-first century has been about God. That’s what all superfluous economies are about in one way or another. There are only two required economies: survival and worship, the inner and the outer economy. When you merge the two into one thing you can be sure that you’re in a mad materialistic cycle. Materialism is the product of abundance, which is why I call it superfluous. All you need is the body and the spirit.

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The Talamanca Review
God is an Economist
Bruce MacDonald juggles the themes of economics, love, religion, spirituality, and self-delusion with the balance, dexterity, and mastery of an old hand from Cirque du Soleil. Smart, funny, and profoundly seditious, God is an Economist is an exhilarating and satiric tour de force, an eloquent, insightful, and contemporary novel that counterpoints iconoclastic acerbic wit with honest compassion and seduces with its compelling and provocative characters, scathing societal critique, and a playfully applied sense of mysticism. God is an Economist recounts the impudent odyssey of William Tobe, an Ottawa-born economics grad, who moves to Toronto and falls under the spell of the recently paroled Randall Cobb Seymour.  The Cobb is a vengefully shrewd and charismatic Native Canadian part Mohawk, part Ojibwa, the embodiment of the trickster and a powerfully animated personality of cunning, gall, and uninhibited entrepreneurial instincts. He is hell-bent on beating the white man at his own dirty game and, in doing so, he masters what he calls the Queen's economy. Good-hearted Will not only becomes involved in Cobb's scams, but finds himself swept up in his own evolving, urban vision quest.
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Bruce MacDonald