If you’re not familiar with Bruce’s other books, then perhaps you are a little more like me. I was an ordinary skeptical person, and I’ve been largely asleep at the wheel for most of my life. It was only due to recent traumatic events that I earnestly began looking for spiritual answers. My world intersected with Bruce MacDonald shortly after the end of my military service where I found myself with life-threatening illness and decaying mental health. In 2022, on my knees in the shower with a razor blade at my wrist, I desperately cried out to God for help. All I wanted was to survive, and in exchange I was willing to offer any act of service — quite a childlike prayer really, and a clear indication of my economically focused spiritual immaturity, the fruit of a Catholic upbringing. My wife introduced me to Bruce via the book he wrote with John Edmonds, Stardust Ranch: The Incredible True Story. She said I would like him and find his story interesting. What followed was an astounding chain of synchronicity, and the first step on my new spiritual path.
A year later and after countless conversations, Bruce and I slowly got to know each other. He asked if I would like to be the editor for his new book and if I would like to meet Robert Wiegand. Having read the Light of Darkness, I jumped at the chance — it’s not often you get the opportunity to meet people of such caliber. We all met via a Zoom call one Saturday morning, and in hindsight this meeting seemed more like a vetting process and to see if I was the right fit for the team. Bob and I gelled instantly. They both knew I was sincere, and I made it clear that my work on this project was an act of service.
In spiritual and technical terms, I am significantly under-qualified for this task and have never worked on a project like this. I’m not an editor. I don’t have literary experience, and I certainly didn’t have the spiritual chops to hold a candle to Bruce, or Bob. But despite my inadequacies, they both said that I was the right guy for the job. I met the challenge of this work with sincerity and a commitment to see it through. To be perfectly honest, I didn’t really know what I was getting myself into. It required dedication and absolutely clean living. And lots and lots of time reading, researching and transcribing. And then there was the challenging inner-work and assimilation of new-found knowledge and a dismantling of my foundational belief systems. I totally underestimated it, and often felt like I was drinking out of a fire hydrant. I would stumble around for days in a state of confusion, moody and resistant in my disbelief. Bob would explain that I had to be fast-tracked to keep up with the book, and I am convinced that his blessings and protection were the deciding factors for success and survival. I had found a new purpose, and along with the new lifestyle, new friendships, the challenging self-examination and inner work, and the meditation, my own darkness began to lift. There were near daily meetings with Bruce and weekly meetings with Bob. They were tremendously protective and guiding forces throughout the entire project.
This work was an act of service on my behalf and an honoring of my promise to God. I didn’t ask for any money. I wasn’t seeking to have my name on the cover, even though it was offered many times. I’ve never been an editor, a researcher, a writer, or a cover designer, but I performed all of those tasks and more, in the execution of my commitment to the project. My reward has been the work, the mentoring, the friendship, and the knowing that somewhere, someone like you will read this and transform their spiritual life.
There were several weeks during the middle section of the book, where the experience of darkness was extremely heavy. I am familiar with PTSD and crushing anxiety and depression, but this darkness was entirely different. There were presences felt by me and my wife, including physical manifestations of knocking sounds and things being moved in the house. Our dog would bravely lead the search party to investigate the cause of these noises. At times there were smokey sulfurous odors which had no source. There were mentally visual aberrations during our deep meditations. And over the last five months, the author and I have shared many concurrent experiences. We had dreams on the same nights about demons, and our wives and extended families were spiritually bothered at the same time. There would be extended days and weeks of quiet, a surcease of botherance, and then suddenly a unified attack of sorts on all of us. Our weaknesses were probed, and our temptations arrived in unison. Our emotions and moods kept pace with the book in lock step. And there were countless synchronicities in the material we discovered whilst researching the content of these chapters. Bruce and I live on polar opposites of the globe — he in Costa Rica and me in Australia, so this was quite an astonishing phenomenon to experience when separated by such a distance. The correlation of these events would not have been possible if we had not trusted each other entirely and openly shared our thoughts and experiences. We spoke from the heart. It was not uncommon to begin our conversations with “this is going to sound crazy, but….”, “hey, I had a weird dream last night”. Additional to this, was the absolutely mind-boggling and uncanny way that Bruce would open lines of inquiry, share a website link from a decade ago, only to have the events unfold within days. The most profound of these, being the unfolding of the current war between Israel and Palestine.
These phenomenological experiences were not uncommon for Bruce or Bob, but they were entirely new to me and my wife. This was an undeniable experience of the spiritual realm that obliterated my skepticism. I went from believing to knowing, and that might not seem significant to you, but trust me, there is a vast difference between the two. The discomforting realization of truth and how I’d been misled, was a metaphorical unplugging from The Matrix. With the destruction of that chimera and its lure of blissful ignorance, came a grief for the life I once had. There were many times that I wanted to turn away and go back to my old life, plug back in, and enjoy a juicy steak. But the expansion of awareness was worth the price of admission, and I’ll take clarity, truth and an honest life over deception any day.
I’m deeply grateful to Robert Wiegand and the protection, guidance and blessings we received to do this work. Adjacent to this book, Bob has been instrumental in helping me deal with PTSD. As a veteran himself, he generously offered deep insight into the condition and how to overcome past traumas, be aware of the freedom of choice, and reminded me that divine love conquers all. His perspective is truly unique, and he would often share clever metaphors to explain spiritually complex topics. He brought me to a renewed purpose and understanding that three years of psychiatric medicine and counseling could not achieve. He was, and continues to be a great friend and mentor.
Bruce and I have developed a close friendship bonded by a collective experience. We shared a psychic consciousness and quickly developed a trust to share what was going on in our lives. He has been an incredible teacher and I’ve been extremely fortunate to witness the process of a great writer practicing his craft. In his written work and on his podcast MacDonald in the Morning, he is a unique voice in the spiritual space who is clear on his message. Unlike most spiritual speakers, he pursues his work as an act of service for little to no financial gain. I’ve often felt that I was being water-boarded these last five months, but my spiritual growth would not have been possible without him, and I’m fortunate to have had thirty years of his life’s pursuit distilled to me over five months. I’m very honored to have been introduced to his family and close network of friends. He’s not bad for a Canadian.
If you live in the West, then you have been misled by the religious and political systems which govern you. You’ve probably experienced trauma at some point in your upbringing or adult life, and if not, then what you’re about to witness in the coming years will be painful enough. Like Nora Durst from the TV series The Leftovers, I want to believe that I’m not surrounded by the abandoned ruin of a dead civilization. I hope this book shatters your false illusions and catalyzes you to commence, or continue, your journey of transformation and reconnection with God and divine love, because I believe that route is the only hope that humanity has. In that reconnection is healing and clarity of vision, and with your newfound sight, you will discover the subterfuge of the global narrative and the spiritual forces at play. It begins with your free choice. It begins with love and forgiveness and non-judgement. Put down the heavy family curse — it’s been carried long enough. Stoke the fires of your divine light; Your ancestors, past and future are counting on it. No one else can do this for you. Thank you for your bravery in picking up this book. Don’t feel alone, we are connected by purpose and spirit. May peace be with you.
Anthony Palmowski
This is a deeply profound journey into the fundamental notion of what we think of as darkness. It sparks a process of understanding and liberation in the reader. Shadow work in its truest form.